Expandable Row
ZingGrid provides custom HTML, CSS and JavaScript to easily create a collapsible row.
[[record.name]] ([[record.job]])
Full Code
<!DOCTYPE html> <html class="zg-html"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>ZingGrid Demo</title> <script nonce="undefined" src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/1.2.0/zinggrid.min.js"></script> <style> .zg-body { background: #fff; } zing-grid[loading] { height: 500px; } /** Expandable Row Trigger **/ .zg-body .arrow { display: inline-block; transform: rotate(90deg); transform-origin: 0% 0%; cursor: pointer; font-size: 1.5rem; position: relative; left: 2.5rem; top: 0.25rem; } .zg-body .active .arrow { transform: rotate(180deg); left: 2.5rem; top: 1.5rem; } /** Expandable Row Header **/ .zg-body .row--header { display: flex; align-items: center; } .zg-body .team--info { margin-left: 2.5rem; } /** Expandable Row CSS **/ .zg-body .default { border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb; } .zg-body zg-row:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #eeeeee; transition: background-color 0.18s ease-in; } .zg-body .active:hover { background-color: initial; } .zg-body .expandable { background: #f5f5f5; padding: 1rem 2rem; display: none; background-color: #eeeeee; transition: background-color 0.25s ease-in; } .zg-body .active .expandable { display: block; } /** Set padding **/ /** NOTE: Css looks off here, but it is to fix how it looks on site **/ .zg-body .default, .expandable { line-height: 1.5rem; padding: 0.9rem 1rem; } .zg-body .default--arrow { padding: 0.9rem 0; } .zg-body zg-cell[type="custom"] { padding: 0; } .zg-body zg-cell[type="custom"] [data-field-index] { width: 100%; } .zg-body zg-cell[type="custom"]>[data-field-index] { display: block; } zing-grid[loading] { height: 481px; } </style> </head> <body class="zg-body"> <zing-grid caption="Expandable Rows" viewport-stop loading src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/users.json"> <zg-colgroup> <zg-column type="custom" header="Employees"> <template> <div class="row--header"> <div class="default default--arrow"> <span class="arrow">⌃</span> </div> <div class="team--info">[[record.name]] ([[record.job]])</div> </div> <div class="expandable"> <p><strong>Age:</strong> [[record.age]]</p> <p><strong>Salary:</strong> $[[record.hourly_salary]]</p> <p><strong>Birthday:</strong> [[record.birth_date]]</p> <p><strong>Location:</strong> [[record.origin]], [[record.home_town]]</p> </div> </template> </zg-column> </zg-colgroup> </zing-grid> <script> ZingGrid.setLicense(['26ccbfec16b8be9ee98c7d57bee6e498']); // window:load event for Javascript to run after HTML // because this Javascript is injected into the document head window.addEventListener('load', () => { // Javascript code to execute after DOM content const zgRef = document.querySelector('zing-grid'); zgRef.addEventListener('row:click', bindExpandEvent); function bindExpandEvent(e) { let oDOMRow = e.detail.ZGTarget; oDOMRow.classList.toggle('active'); } }); </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html class="zg-html"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>ZingGrid Demo</title> <script src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/1.2.0/zinggrid.min.js"></script> </head> <body class="zg-body"> <zing-grid caption="Expandable Rows" viewport-stop loading src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/users.json"> <zg-colgroup> <zg-column type="custom" header="Employees"> <template> <div class="row--header"> <div class="default default--arrow"> <span class="arrow">⌃</span> </div> <div class="team--info">[[record.name]] ([[record.job]])</div> </div> <div class="expandable"> <p><strong>Age:</strong> [[record.age]]</p> <p><strong>Salary:</strong> $[[record.hourly_salary]]</p> <p><strong>Birthday:</strong> [[record.birth_date]]</p> <p><strong>Location:</strong> [[record.origin]], [[record.home_town]]</p> </div> </template> </zg-column> </zg-colgroup> </zing-grid> </body> </html>
.zg-body{ background:#fff; } zing-grid[loading] { height: 500px; } /** Expandable Row Trigger **/ .zg-body .arrow { display:inline-block; transform:rotate(90deg); transform-origin: 0% 0%; cursor:pointer; font-size:1.5rem; position:relative; left:2.5rem; top:0.25rem; } .zg-body .active .arrow { transform:rotate(180deg); left:2.5rem; top:1.5rem; } /** Expandable Row Header **/ .zg-body .row--header { display:flex; align-items:center; } .zg-body .team--info { margin-left:2.5rem; } /** Expandable Row CSS **/ .zg-body .default { border-bottom:1px solid #ebebeb; } .zg-body zg-row:hover { cursor:pointer; background-color:#eeeeee; transition:background-color 0.18s ease-in; } .zg-body .active:hover { background-color:initial; } .zg-body .expandable { background:#f5f5f5; padding:1rem 2rem; display:none; background-color:#eeeeee; transition:background-color 0.25s ease-in; } .zg-body .active .expandable { display:block; } /** Set padding **/ /** NOTE: Css looks off here, but it is to fix how it looks on site **/ .zg-body .default, .expandable { line-height:1.5rem; padding:0.9rem 1rem; } .zg-body .default--arrow { padding:0.9rem 0; } .zg-body zg-cell[type="custom"] { padding:0; } .zg-body zg-cell[type="custom"] [data-field-index] { width: 100%; } .zg-body zg-cell[type="custom"] > [data-field-index] { display:block; }
// window:load event for Javascript to run after HTML // because this Javascript is injected into the document head window.addEventListener('load', () => { // Javascript code to execute after DOM content const zgRef = document.querySelector('zing-grid'); zgRef.addEventListener('row:click', bindExpandEvent); function bindExpandEvent(e) { let oDOMRow = e.detail.ZGTarget; oDOMRow.classList.toggle('active'); } });
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