ZingGrid Functions

Below we show you how to define attributes that can be assigned functions on ZingGrid.

Card Renderer

Defined by the renderer attribute on the <zg-card> tag, this is a lifecycle hook used when creating cells in card mode.

Function Definition

function cardRendererFunction(record, cellDOMRef, rowRef)
Name Type Optional Description
record Object true The direct record info associated with that row
cellDOMRef DOM Node true A direct reference to the DOM node for this cell
rowRef Object true An object containing various row, cell, and ZingGrid information


<zg-card renderer="cardRenderer">
    <span>Name: [[record.name]]</span>
      <option value="" disabled selected>Please Choose One</option>


// define custom card renderer and assign content 
// and event listeners inside function
function cardRenderer(record, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
  const dogBreeds = [
    'Cane Corso',
    'Great Dane',
  // get reference to select dropdown
  const selectDropdown = cellDOMRef.querySelector('select');
  // sort breeds and populate select dropdown
  dogBreeds.sort().forEach(breed => {
    const breedOption = document.createElement('option');
    breedOption.textContent = breed;
    breedOption.value = breed;
  // add events in renderer as well
  selectDropdown.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
    const newType = e.target.value;
    alert(`Select dropdown changed to: ${newType}`);

Card Renderer Function Grid

Here is a complete grid that runs a card renderer function:


Cell Class

Defined by the cell-class attribute on the <zg-column> tag, this is a way to dynamically render a CSS class to cells.

Function Definition

function cellClassFunction(...indexValues, cellDOMRef,cellRef)
Name Type Optional Description
indexValues * true The index value defined on <zg-column> index="1,2,n" where the amount of arguments is dependent on the amount of index values defined. If you defined two index values, the initial two function arguments are reserved for these indices. The last two arguments are for cellDomRef and cellRef.
cellDOMRef DOM Node true A direct reference to the DOM node for this cell
cellRef Object true An object containing various row, cell, and ZingGrid information


<zg-column index="breed" cell-class="singleIndex"></zg-column>


function singleIndex(breed, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
  return `breed ${breed.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase()}`;

Cell Class Function Grid

Here is a complete grid that runs a cell class function to style cells in the grid:


Column Class

Defined by the col-class attribute on the <zing-grid> tag, this is a way to define a dynamic class for a whole column.

Function Definition

function colClassFunction(columnIndex, cellDOMRef, columnRef) {...}
Name Type Optional Description
columnIndex String true The index value of the column
cellDOMRef DOM Node true A direct reference to the DOM node for this cell
columnRef Object true An object containing various row, cell, and ZingGrid information


<zing-grid col-class="singleColumnClass"></zing-grid>


function singleColumnClass(index, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
  if (index === 'name') return 'yellow';
  return 'red';

Column Class Function Grid

Here is a complete grid that runs a column class function to style columns in the grid:


Column Renderer

Defined by the renderer attribute on the <zg-column> tag, this is a lifecycle hook used when creating columns in row mode.

Function Definition

function columnRendererFunction(...indices, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {...}
Name Type Optional Description
...indices * true The amount of indices defined on <zg-column>. If you define two indices, then you must define two arguments before cellDOMRef.
cellDOMRef DOM Node true A direct reference to the DOM node for this cell
cellRef Object true An object containing various row, cell, and ZingGrid information


  <zg-column index="custom" renderer="noIndexCellRenderer">
      <option value="" disabled selected>Please Choose One</option>


// define custom cell renderer and assign content
// and event listeners inside function
function noIndexCellRenderer(stubArgument, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
  const dogBreeds = [
    'Cane Corso',
    'Great Dane',

  // get reference to select dropdown
  const selectDropdown = cellDOMRef.querySelector('select');

  // sort breeds and populate select dropdown
  dogBreeds.sort().forEach(breed => {
    const breedOption = document.createElement('option');
    breedOption.textContent = breed;
    breedOption.value = breed;

  // add events in renderer as well
  selectDropdown.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
    const newType = e.target.value;
    alert(`You changed the type to: ${newType}`);

Column Renderer Function Grid

Here is a complete grid that runs a column renderer function to create custom columns:


Foot Class

Defined by the foot-class attribute on the <zing-grid> tag, this is a way to define a dynamic class for your footer columns.

Function Definition

function footClassFunction(columnIndex, cellDOMRef, columnRef) {...}
Name Type Optional Description
columnIndex String true The index value of the column
cellDOMRef DOM Node true A direct reference to the DOM node for this cell
cellRef Object true An object containing various row, cell, and ZingGrid information


<zing-grid foot-class="highlightFootCells"></zing-grid>


function highlightFootCells(columnIndex, cellDOMRef, columnRef) {
  if (columnIndex === 'points') return 'yellow';

Foot Class Function Grid

Here is a complete grid that calls a foot class function to highlight the grid's foot cells:


Head Class

Defined by the head-class attribute on the <zing-grid> tag, this is a way to define a dynamic class for your column headers.

Function Definition

function headClassFunction(columnIndex, cellDOMRef, columnRef) {...}
Name Type Optional Description
columnIndex String true The index value of the column
cellDOMRef DOM Node true A direct reference to the DOM node for this cell
columnRef Object true An object containing various footer column information


<zing-grid head-class="highlightHeadCells"></zing-grid>


function highlightHeadCells(columnIndex, cellDOMRef, columnRef) {
  if (columnIndex === 'points') return 'yellow';

Head Class Function Grid

Here is a complete grid that calls a function to highlight the grid's head cells:


Row Class

Defined by the row-class attribute on the <zing-grid> tag, this is a way to define a dynamic class for a whole row.

Function Definition

function rowClassFunction(record, rowIndex, rowDOMRef, rowRef) {...}
Name Type Optional Description
record Object true An object containing all the values in this row
rowIndex Number true The index value of the row
rowDOMRef DOM Node true A direct reference to the DOM node for this row
rowRef Object true An object containing various row, cell, and ZingGrid information


<zing-grid row-class="rowClass"></zing-grid>


function rowClass(record, index, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
  if (index % 2) return 'yellow';
  return 'red';

Row Class Function Grid

Here is a complete grid that calls a row class function to style the grid's rows:


[api: functions]