ZingGrid Object Methods

This is a comprehensive list of available functionality on the global window.ZingGrid object. It is redundant to define window, so we will call this the ZingGrid object.


You use the registerAdapter() method to define how to hook up a data source into your project. If you have your own standardized endpoints, this is very useful as it's a way for us to provide an ES6 style import mechanism and pattern for building custom data sources.

Check out the docs on <zg-param> attributes to get a full list of available adapter options here.

Function Definition

ZingGrid.registerAdapter(sType, oOptions)
Name Type Optional Description
sType String false The string name for the adapter
oOptions Object false Option list of of adapter variables you want to define. You can define ANYzg-param value here.

HTML before registerAdapter()

<zing-grid editor caption="Movies" page-size="10" infinite height="100px">
  <zg-data src="https://zinggrid-examples.firebaseio.com/movies/">
    <zg-param name="startAtKey" value="startAt"></zg-param>
    <zg-param name="limitToKey" value="limitToFirst"></zg-param>
    <zg-param name="sortByKey" value="orderBy"></zg-param>
    <zg-param name="searchKey" value="equalTo"></zg-param>
    <zg-param name="startAtValue" value="true"></zg-param>
    <zg-param name="addValueQuotes" value="true"></zg-param>
    <zg-param name="sortBy" value="title"></zg-param>

HTML after registerAdapter()

<zing-grid editor caption="Movies" page-size="10" infinite height="100px">
  <zg-data src="https://zinggrid-examples.firebaseio.com/movies/" adapter="myCustomAdapter"></zg-data>


const adapterOptions = {
  limitToKey: 'limitToFirst',
  startAtKey: 'startAt',
  sortByKey: 'orderBy',
  startAtValue: true,
  sortBy: '"title"',

ZingGrid.registerAdapter('myCustomAdapter', adapterOptions);

registerAdapter() Grid

Here is a complete grid which calls the registerAdapter() method:



You use the registerCellType() method to create and assign a custom column type.

Function Definition

ZingGrid.registerCellType(sType, oOptions)
Name Type Optional Description
sType String false The name of the cell type you want to define
oOptions Object false An object to define the renderer and/or editor for the cell type


<zg-column index="col" type="upper" header="College"></zg-column>


// renderer function for cell
function upperRenderer(mRawData, cellRef, $cell) {
  return mRawData.toUpperCase();

// hooks for editor
let editor = {
  init($cell, editorField) {
    let oDOMInput = document.createElement('input');
    oDOMInput.type = 'text';
    oDOMInput.autoComplete = 'off';
    oDOMInput.ariaInvalid = false;

  onOpen($cell, editorField, mData) {
    let oDOMInput = editorField.querySelector('input');
    if (!mData) {
      mData = editorField.value || '';
    oDOMInput.value = String(mData);

  onClose(editorField) {
    return 'Edited: ' + editorField.querySelector('input').value;

ZingGrid.registerCellType('upper', {
  editor: editor,
  renderer: upperRenderer,

registerCellType() Grid

Here is a complete grid which calls the registerCellType() method:



You use the registerMethod() method to assign an alias to a single method outside the window scope, which will be found and assigned a scope reference to this.

Function Definition

ZingGrid.registerMethod(fnMethod, sName, oScope)
Name Type Optional Description
fnMethod Function false The method that you want to expose to ZingGrid
sName String true The name to refer to the method. If the method is not anonymous, the name will default to the name of the method. If it is anonymous, a name must be set. Whatever is set here is how you should refer to the method in the grid.
oScope Object true The scope of the method. When the method is called, this will be set to the scope value.


<zg-column index="high" type="currency"  cell-class="f1"></zg-column>
<zg-column index="low" type="currency" cell-class="f2"></zg-column>


const namespace1 = {
  // global vars for highlight min/max values
  gHigh: -1,
  gLow: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,

  // highlight cell with highest value in high column
  _highlightHigh: function(high, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
    if (high == Number(this.gHigh)) return 'highlight';

  // highlight cell with lowest value in low column
  _highlightLow: function(low, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
    if (low == Number(this.gLow)) return 'highlight';


  // register methods to alias "f1" and "f2" where "this" references the 
  // namespace1 scope as well
  ZingGrid.registerMethod(namespace1._highlightHigh, 'f1', namespace1);
  ZingGrid.registerMethod(namespace1._highlightLow, 'f2', namespace1);

registerMethod() Grid

Here is a complete grid which calls the registerMethod() method:




You use the registerNamespace() method to assign a namespace alias so that all methods outside the window scope can be found, and assigned a scope reference to this. Once a namespace is registered, the methods within the namespace will be accessible to ZingGrid without having to call ZingGrid.registerMethod.

Function Definition

ZingGrid.registerNamespace(oNamespace, sName, oScope)
Name Type Optional Description
oNamespace Function false The namespace that you want to expose to ZingGrid
sName String true The name to reference the namespace
oScope Object true The scope of the namespace. When a method within the namespace is called, `this` will be set to the `scope` value. Defaults to the namespace itself.


<zg-column index="low" type="currency" cell-class="n1._highlightLow"></zg-column>


const namespace1 = {
  // global vars for highlight min/max values
  gHigh: -1,
  gLow: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
  // highlight cell with lowest value in low column
  _highlightLow: function(low, cellDOMRef, cellRef) {
    if (low == Number(this.gLow)) return 'highlight';


// register namespace to alias "n1" where "this" references the 
// namespace1 scope as well
ZingGrid.registerNamespace(namespace1, 'n1', namespace1);

registerNamespace() Grid

Here is a complete grid which calls the registerNamespace() method:



[api: ZingGrid object]