Docs Version 1

Filtering Advanced

ZingGrid's built-in filter menu has many capabilities that can be customized.

First, easily enable filtering on your grid by setting the filter attribute on your <zing-grid> tag and filter buttons will appear on each head cell to make each column filterable.

For more information about the filtering feature, check out the Filtering Docs.

Otherwise, continue below to learn how to customize the filter menu capabilities.

Filter Menu Buttons

When clicking the filter buttons, a filter menu appears. The default buttons displayed are "reset" and "apply".

To change which buttons are displayed or in what ordering, set filter-buttons to a comma separated list of buttons.

The buttons options are:

  • close: Closes the filter menu
  • reset: Resets filter applied through the menu (this includes filtering through conditions and selectbox options, but excludes inline)
  • apply: Applies the filters applied through the menu (conditions and selectbox options)

For example, the code below will yield a filter menu with buttons in the exact order: reset, close, apply.

    filter-buttons="reset, close, apply">

Customizing List of Conditions

The filter menu provides a dropdown of conditions to apply to the column. Each column type has its own default list of conditions.

The filter-conditions attribute accepts a comma separated list of conditions to customize which conditions to display.

Depending on which tag the attribute is defined, the conditions can be set at the grid or column level.

Below are the list of options accepted by filter-conditions.

The table below lists which column types supports the condition and a description of what the condition does.

Condition Type Description
default * Includes a set of built-in conditions which varies depending on the column type
break * Displays a horizontal separator
none * Does not apply any conditions
empty * Filters for empty / null values
nonEmpty * Filters out empty /null values
equals date, iframe, number, select, text Filters for exact term
notEquals date, iframe, number, select, text Filters for values that is not the exact term
beginsWith iframe, select, text Filters for values that begins with term
endsWith iframe, select, text Filters for values ending with term
contains date, iframe, number, select, text Filters for values containing the term
notContains date, iframe, number, select, text Filters for values not containing the term
between number Filters for values between the two terms
notBetween number Filters for values not between the two terms
greaterThan number Filters for values greater than the term
greaterEqualThan number Filters for values greater than or equal to term
lessThan number Filters for values less than the term
lessEqualThan number Filters for values less than or equal to term
before date Filters for values before term
after date Filters for values after term
betweenDate date Filters values between the terms
today date Filters for values matching today's date
yesterday date Filters for values matching yesterday's date
tomorrow date Filters for values matching tomorrow's date
trueVal boolean Filters for true values
falseVal boolean Filters for false values
custom filter name * Filters by your custom condition (Example below)

Below is an example that customizes which conditions to display, including a custom condition.

    filter-conditions="none, contains, break, custom">
// Define custom condition
let conditionObj = {
  // Condition label
  title: "Is Shirt",
  // Number between 0 and 2 of text fields to display
  fieldCount: 0,
   * Method that is called when filter is applied
   * @param {object}  obj - Data being filtered
   * @param {*} obj.dataVal - Value of grid's data
   * @param {*} [obj.val1] - Value in first text field, if present
   * @param {*} [obj.val2] - Value in second text field, if present
   * @returns {boolean} True to display data in results
  filterMethod: (obj) => {
    return obj && obj.dataVal && obj.dataVal === 'shirt';
// Register condition to use in grid
ZingGrid.registerCustomFilterMethod('custom', conditionObj);

Max Conditions

The maximum default number of conditions that can be applied to the column is one. This can be easily changed through the filter-conditions-max attribute.

Initially, one condition is displayed. After the latest condition is changed, the next condition displays. To change the number of conditions to initially display, go on to the next section.

In the example below, the maximum number of conditions is increased to five.


Number of Conditions to Display

The default behavior of the filter menu is to display a single condition. The filter menu can be customized to display a specified number of conditions through the filter-conditions-display attribute.

The number specified in filter-conditions-display should be less than or equal to filter-conditions-max.

The filter-conditions-max attribute defines the maximum number of conditions that can be applied to the column.


Default Condition

When filtering through conditions, the default condition displayed is either "contains" or "none" (depending on column type). You can change the default condition with filter-default-condition.

For a list of conditions to set the attribute, refer to the table in the "Customizing List of Conditions" section


Menu Filter Options

Filtering by conditions is not the only option. By default, the filter menu only displays a "conditions" area.

You can filter by selectbox options, which creates a checkbox option for each unqiue value in the column. Enable this by setting filter-menu-areas="selectbox".

The filter menu is not limited to one filtering option. You can have both by updating filter-menu-areas to "both".


Filter On

When filtering, the filter comparison can be applied to the column's raw or rendered values. The default behavior varies depending on the column type.

If the default behavior does not meet your needs, use filter-on to specify which filter comparison to apply ("raw" or "rendered").

Column type restrictions:

  • iframe filters only by raw values
  • aggregate filters only by rendered values
        <zg-column index="item,color,size" header="Rendered item names" renderer="renderItemName"></zg-column>

Selectbox Labels

Instead of filtering by conditions, the filter menu can also filter through selectbox options. Display selectbox options by setting filter-menu-areas="selectbox" | "both".

Depending on the column situation, either the raw or rendered values are displayed as the selectbox labels.

In the example below, a renderer is applied to the column. For the selectbox options to match the cell values displayed, filter-selectbox-display is set to "rendered".

        <zg-column index="item,color,size" header="Rendered item names" renderer="renderItemName"></zg-column>

Filter Trigger

The default behavior is to apply the filters from the menu when the "Apply" button is clicked. This can be altered by setting the filter-trigger attribute. The menu filter can be triggered either by "button" or "change".

When filter is triggered by "change", filter menu buttons are removed. Filter will apply under the two conditions:

  • condition text fields changes
  • selecbox options changes

Related Resources

Here are some extra resources related to this feature to help with creating your grid:

[features: filtering advanced]